A Halloween poem about kids, dinosaurs and too much candy

Texas Standard listener Ken Karrer came upon a few old photos recently that inspired the poem.

By Ken KarrerOctober 26, 2022 10:22 am, , ,

Texas Standard loves to highlight the voices of Texans. If you’ve got a story to share, reach out to us here. You can record a poem yourself using this form. And, if you’re not a poet, but you’ve got an idea for a poem – drop us an idea for our friends at Typewriter Rodeo.

Endangered Species (A Halloween Poem)

A Pterodactl and a Tyrannosaur
Came to my door
And rang the bell,
Light flipped on,
A “trick or treat!”  shout
Bags thrust out with
Grubby handed claws.
Apples, oranges, and candy
Plopped in and did not
Hit the bottom of
The sacks.
They wheeled and left with aThe dinosaurs show off their costumes
Perfunctory growl.
I watched them walk across the
Sorting what they’d eat.
They threw away the fruit.
Dropped the candy wrappers
On the lawn,
Gobbled down snickers and candy corn.
They’ll be sick by dawn.
No wonder dinosaurs became extinct

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