Cultural phenomenon, “Game of Thrones” ended its eight-season reign on Sunday. Typewriter Rodeo commemorates its passing.
The Game is Over
the dragons have flown their fiery last
no more westeros shall we see
the blood and the fire
the oft-naked cast
have in some sense…
ceased to be
no more will the struggle for that Iron Throne
dominate our sunday nights
no more will the sword and the whispers
and bones
the magic and incest and fights
occupy, like a fearsome invading host
the cultural landscape we live in
no more will our favorite characters
be slain
(with this show that was a given)
so what shall we do with this freedom
that comes
now that the wheel has been broken?
whether the Game has been lost or been won
no more shall those four words be spoken:
Valar morghulis
Valar dohaeris…
Produced by Laura Rice.